eskimo bob how i missed thee =) actually i did visit a little while back =) good to hear from you again. and hope to see more from you =) good job
eskimo bob how i missed thee =) actually i did visit a little while back =) good to hear from you again. and hope to see more from you =) good job
aah flash
you know flash thats great, but you need to learn how to draw, so buy a sketch book and draw everyday, ur movies will improve 10 fold =) goodluck
Review 400 yaaaay =)
I really liked it, very nicely put together and synced with the music, good job =)
very nice
very cool, think your character could have more life tho, he's ment to move and think, feels more like he just moves. Like how bout making him learning to move, so he'll strugle to get up and his arm will drop of and become a puddle of water again? but yeah good concept, decent character design, nice animation and models =) over all prety nice goodluck to you
Thanx 4 the advice... its really a good idea and would of made a great animation..
i could have done that but i had a very strict deadline.. and i did the best i could in the little time i had.
i didn't like it
no animation, even though u had a story to tell, powerpoint animation isn't to my liking at all. spend more time drawing and animating and some sound effects and this could be a decent animation. but i didn't like this at all. goodluck with future projects
my mommy liked it :(
The best idea and the second best idea ever in one flash movie, the hydron colider and then the idea to make a movie about the hydron colider =) lol really love the style remindes me of the good old hannah barbera style =) which iv been tinkering with myself lately aswell. but yeah great idea, good animation, funny timing, and its on my favourite list =0 what more can i say haha goodjob!
remines me of that ren and stimpy log joke lol "amazing new product, ITS DRESSUP log" lol,goodtimes, but i think you should put more effort into the graphics, and i know the robot voices are a clasic but how about finding a way to make them clearer?
Didn't you read the fucking description?
pretty cool
i liked the style most, the old film styled look, alot of your scenes don't really blend and make sence, but its good cause it fits into the olden film style =) and i know you did alot of it on purpose so good on ya =) pretty cool film project. your voice has a hint of echo, like your in a building, which kind of disturbs the flow of the film =) goodluck wif your next project
Thanks, man. Yeah, I think my new mic situation is better than my old one but it's still far from perfect.
I would appreciate a large coffee and some cashew nuts
What, who, where?
Ze Mun
Joined on 8/25/03