The electric pencil sharpener fell silent and I glanced down and came to a sudden realization, my life exists on the edge of this rather dilapidated but freshly sharpened red animation pencil, and inbetween still frames of intriguing motion capable of being analyzed, manipulated and inevitably mastered.
This art labeled animation further evolves into entertainment with no boundaries nor restrictions. So animation to me, inevitably leads to freedom. And I smiled as I itched underneath the shackle binding my rather used red animation pencil to my person.
Check out my sketchbook in motiongraphic o visionoooowww =)
My streetfighter collab entry
reviews and votes are very much appreciated =)
or below, on the tube =)
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90'c cartoon collab piece
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My inner child
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I'v been on newgrounds from the young age of 12-13 and it has been the creative foundation for what was first a hobby, and has flurished into the path i've decided to walk for the rest of my life.
Have a peek at all my stuff at =)
Don't get sick of me to soon =)
lots of soft tender caring love -will
How could we ever get sick of you? Just keep doing what you're doing.
=) thats the plan